Millets : Superfoods

This step will undoubtedly change the game in a country where wheat and rice dominate the plates. Millets were once our food, and our forefathers knew what was best for our bodies, but the invasion of various invaders, pushed our golden millets away from our plates. Ironically, we were made to believe that whatever our ancestors practiced was foolish and that whatever is being practiced or eaten by various invaders, specifically British and western people, is the healthy and right choice. We were made to believe that eating wheat and rice is a luxury, and our superfoods were labeled as poor people's food because of their easy availability and low price. The green revolution made us self-sufficient, but at the same time, wheat and rice replaced millet on the plates of the majority of the population. Now we are all witnessing the consequences: India is becoming the hub of obese people, and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, PCOD, etc. We still have time to respond to the disease burden and address the various issues related to malnutrition. I am thankful to the #GOI #narendramodiji and various stakeholders for recognizing the potential of millets and relabelling it as #nutricereals#millets #2023goals #indianeconomy #indiabudget


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